Cone Collector’s
Guide: What’s New 2013
The items below
were reported in the period from October 2012 to December 2013. All new names
are now included in the main files.
December 2013.
Rhizoconus pertusus
elodieallaryae described
from Tuamotu by Tiziano Cossignani.
Published in Malacologia 81( ). Tiziano highlights the dome shaped spire and colour pattern as the major differences from the typical form.
New Cone
Conus vanvilstereni described from the Philippines by Robert Moolenbeek and Arnold Zandbergen.
Published in Miscellanea Malacologia 6(3)
November 2013.
New Cones published in Malacologia
80( )
Darioconus natalaurantia is described from Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa and compared with C. lohri from Mozambique. It is described by Stephan Veldsman. |
Pionoconus striatus s.sp juliaallaryae is described from Djibouti by Tiziano Cossignani. It differs from typical C. striatus by the strong slope in the shoulder area. |
New book published by John Tucker and Manuel Tenorio.
book features very sharp and clear high resolution photos of all
of the cone species recognized as valid by the authors as well as a
complete review as to the taxonomic placement for these shells. Also listed in the
text as well as in an extensive index are the names and placement of taxa that are considered to be not valid species.
The book is published by MdM Publishing, Wellington FL. ISBN 978-0-9847140-2-5. Orders are being taken on their website.
An interesting development will be the launch of a new website by MdM which will offer information about shells described after the publication of the book as well as any revisions made by John , Manuel and others who wish to contribute scientifically documented research on these shells.
October 2013
Several cone species were described in a new Taxonomy supplement to the French shell club magazine Xenophora(
Eric Monnier,
Loïc Limpalaër & Alain
Robin review the “achatinus” complex. Two forms ie C. barabara(Brazier,1898) and C.
vinctus(A.Adams, 1854) are raised to species status.
Two new Pioconus species are described
from Australia
Pionoconus arafurensis
holotype Northern Australia (Illinois N. H Survey) |
Pionoconus rouxi holotype Western Australia(WAMP) |
And one new Pioconus species from Oman
Pionoconus koukae holotype Oman (MNHN) |
In the same edition of the Xenophora magazine, Manuel Tenorio
and Carlos Afonso described Perplexiconus
wendrosi sp. nov. from the Western coast of Aruba.
Perplexiconus wendrosi Holotype MNHN Aruba |
June 2013
New cone species Rolaniconus dedonderi from Philippines described by Rika Goethaels & D. Monsecour.
Published in Novapex 14(2) p.35-37.( )
May 2013
Conus boutetorum Richard & Rabiller, 2013 from
Published in Annales de la Société des Naturelles de La Charente-Maritime Supp: p. 53 & figs.
This publication by the Natural History museum in La Rochelle also includes extensive coverage of the Cone Collector conference held there in September 2012.
April 2013.
New book by Ed Petuch is published which proposes a series of geographic molluscan provinces in the Western Atlantic based on the distribution of cone and other species. Several new cone species were described, that are now included in main files with pictures.
The book can be purchased from CRC Press ( by searching on their website for “Petuch”.
New species of cones that are named in the book include: Magelliconus eleutheraensis, Lindaconus therriaulti, Dauciconus jorioi, Sandericonus ednae, Dalliconus coletteae, Jaspidiconus oleiniki, Jaspidiconus allamandi, Jaspidiconus mackintoshi, Jaspidiconus exumaensis, and Jaspidiconus sargenti----also, the new genera Arubaconus, Bermudaconus, Attenuiconus, Kellyconus, Poremskiconus, Tuckericonus, Sandericonus, Brasiliconus, and Coltroconus .
Also described 21 other new species, including 2 new volutes, several new muricids (including the new genus Roquesia), new olives, and even a new cowrie. 145 species of cones are illustrated; most of them the holotypes, and an additional 300 other rarely seen western Atlantic shells.
March 2013.
New cone subspecies from St Brandon described by Felix Lorenz.
Conus(Cylinder) textile s.sp. vaulberti |
Lorenz notes that the name Conus scriptus was introduced by Deshayes and that the shell as described is not similar to C. textile. An invalid homonym name scriptus was later introduced by Sowerby and shells similar to the Sowerby shell from S Madagascar circulate today as C. textile fm. scriptus. The St Brandon shells are narrow, cylindrical, lightweight, with a wide aperture and a white protoconch, and the white brown ornamentation lacks any shades of blue, yellow or red. These features are not found in the S. Madagascar shells.
The full description is published in Schriften zur Malakolozool. 27:21-24. Details of the publication can be found on the website of Haus der Natur, Cismar.
March 2013
Three new cones described by Eric Monnier and Loic Limpalaer from Indo-Pacific region in Visaya 4(1)
Darioconus laueri |
Kioconus ruthae |
Cylinder tagaroae |
Cylinder tagaroae has circulated for many years under the invalid name Conus telatus fm.rugosus.
The full
descriptions are available in the magazine edition available through
January 2013
Three new cones described by Luigi Bozzetti in Malacologia 78. Two from Lavanono, Madagascar and the other from Somalia.
Rolaniconus buniatus |
D. pennaceus pseudoecho s.sp. |
Yeddoconus somalicus |
The full
descriptions are in edition 78 of Malacologia available through
Summary data
will be added to this website as soon as possible.
January 2013:
New Cone book: Cones Shells of Florida by John Tucker published by MdMShellBooks Publishing.
The book will be reviewed in Cone Collector.
One new species is named Conasprelloides levistimpsoni from Carabelle, Florida
levistimpsoni holotype |
December 2012:
Malacologia 77.
Two new species of cone described from Madagascar by Luigi Bozzetti.
Cylinder priscai which is compared to C textile forms and C.biancae. It is white with spiral bands of brown lattice pattern.
Conus atimovatae holotype 21.4mm. which is compared to C.simonis from which it differs by a more angulate shoulder, colour more orange and more uniform pattern.
Cylinder priscai holotype |
Conus atimovatae holotype |
Luigi Bozzetti also illustrates specimens of C.striatus and C. betulinus, giving them form names. No type specimens are defined and such a description as a form would invalid the names, nomen nudum. It is not clear whether Bozzetti intended to introduce new names into the scientific record.
They are an Indian Ocean C. striatus with pink hue and C. betulinus with red dots on inside of lip.
striatus f.occidentalis |
betulinus rubrolabiata |
The full
descriptions are in edition 77 of Malacologia
available through
Summary data
will be added to this website as soon as possible.
Visaya 3(6) : New species C robini
described by Limpalaer & Monnier
New species C.balabacensis
described by Filmer. Several changes proposed to taxonomy. Filmer proposes that C. collisus
is nomen dubium and that C.stigmaticus is a more appropriate name. C straturatus is raised to species.
C. robini |
C. balabacensis |
The full
descriptions are available in the magazine edition available through
October 2012: 2 new micro species(c.
10mm) of cones from tidal grit at Lavanono,
Madagascar by Luigi Bozzetti.
Pseudolilliconus levis |
Pseudolilliconus scalarispira |
The full
descriptions are in edition 76 of Malacologia available through
Summary data
will be added to this website as soon as possible.
Should you have any queries or material
which would improve the content of the website, you may contact the author at
the E mail address on the home page.
This page
was last updated in December 2013. The
contents of this website remain the copyright of Paul Kersten.
Parts of the website may not published on any website other than .