Cone Collector’s Guide: What’s New 2015

Any significant news and changes in 2015 are summarised here and they will be integrated as appropriate into the next release of the main files of the Paul Kersten checklist.  These main files were last updated in December  2015. 

Events reported up to December 2014 from the launch of the website, will be found in WhatsNew 2013 and WhatsNew 2014 sections of this website.


December 2015.

New cone from Philippines described by Poppe and Tagaro in Visaya 4/4(

Described from a single specimen from Sulu Island, Philippines, Conus admirationis at 59mm is compared to C. oishii.



Holotype 59.6mm



October 2015.

New cone Tesselliconus devorsinei from Queensland, Australia described in Festivus 47(4) (see ) by Petuch, Berschauer  & Poremski.  Also, Jaspidiconus vantwoudti  from Aruba.




Holotype 29mm

Holotype 12.5mm


September 2015.

Three new cones described in Malacologia 88. ( )

T. Cossignani & R Fiadeiro describe Africonus santaluziensis and Africonus miguelfiaderoi from the Cape Verde Islands.




Africonus miguelfiaderoi holotype

Africonus santaluziensis holotype


Darioconus fortdauphinensis is described by L. Bozzetti  from Madagascar.



Darioconus fortdauphinensis types. Holotype in centre.




July 2015.


Two new cones described in Festivus 47/3 by Ed Petuch & David Berschauer. Tenorioconus monicae and Tenorioconus rosi are described from Aruba.




Tenorioconus monicae

Tenorioconus rosi



April  2015.

Two new cones from Cape Verde Islands described in Malacologia 86 by T. Cossignani and R. Fiadeiro ( ).

Africonus minimus from east coast of Sal Island and Africonus roquenesis from east coast of Boavista.




Africonus minimus

Africonus roquensis



April 2015.

Three new cones described in Xenophora Taxonomy 7.(


Manuel Tenorio describes a deep water cone from New Caledonia. Profundiconus smirnoides is similar to P. smirna but demonstrates differences in shell morphology and pattern.



P. smirnoides holotype


Eric Monnier and Loic Limpalaer review the cones of the C. caillaudi complex and introduce two new names. Kioconus hoaraui from Reunion and Kioconus malcolmi  from the Red Sea.




K. hoaraui holotype

K.malcolmi holotype



March 2016.

Three new cones from Cape Verde Islands described in Malacologia 86 by T. Cossignani and R. Fiadeiro ( )





A. nelsonandradoi holotype

A. damioi holotype

A. pedrofiadeiroi holotype



February 2015.

Four authors,  Monnier, Limpalaër, Roux & Berschauer  describe Dalliconus edpetuchi from Brasil in The Festivus v.47 .(see ) This Brasilian shell has circulated for many years as a form of Conus mcgintyi.



D. edpetuchi  holotype MNHN




January 2015.

Conus(Sciteconus) algoensis norpothi  n. ssp. is described by Felix Lorenz in Conchylia 45(1-3) p.51

Available from  www.




January 2015(Update)

Conus conco from Marquesas published by N. Puillandre and 8 co authors in the on line magazine: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 80 (2014) 186–192.



Conus conco holotype


Journal webpage:

NOTE: Due to a procedural error, the attachment to the online version released in August 2014 including this description was not considered  valid under ICZN rules. The description was included in an update published in January 2015



January 2015.

New deep water cone described by Manuel Tenorio from New Caledonia published in Xenophora Taxonomy 6.(


zardoyai Holotype.jpg

Profundiconus zardoyai    Holotype MNHN 10.5mm






This page was last updated in December 2015.  The contents of this website remain the copyright of Paul Kersten. Parts of the website may not published on any website other than .