| Title | Abbreviations | body1 | body2 | body3 | body4 | body5 | References |






acutus Anton. For '1839' read '1838'.


aequipartitus. For 'p.234' read 'p.238'.


agassizii. Original reference is Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool.,


xii, pl.12, f.8-8a, 1886.


bisulcatus. For '1840' read '1841'.


cadonensis. For 'Lyell' read 'Lyell and Sowerby in Lyell'.


calvimontensis. For 'p.229' read 'p.233'.


concavus. For 'Lyell' read 'Lyell and Sowerby in Lyell'.


concolor Sowerby. For '1834' read '1841'.


conspersus. For 'sp. 261' read 'sp. 262'.


demissus. Add to reference; 'ii, p.200, pl.28, f.22'. Type in MNHU.


deshayesii Bellardi & Michelotti. For '1840' read '1841'.


edwardsi. Is a nomen nudum.


floccatus. For '1839' read '1841'.


goldfussi. For '1839' read '1838'.


granulatus Röding. Is a nomen nudum.


jacksonensis. Type in JHU.


monairyensis. For 'monairyensis' read 'mcnairyensis'.


monilifer. For 'Brod.' read 'Broderip and Sowerby in Broderip'.


parvus H.C. Lea. for '1840' read '1841'.


planiceps Heilprin. 3 syntypes in WFIS, no.874.


raristriatus. For '1840' read '1841'.


semicoronata. For 'semicoronata' read 'semicoronatus'.


solidus Sowerby II, C.I. For '1834' read '1841'.


sowerbei. For 'p.179' read 'p.38'. Emended to sowerbyi by Bronn, 1848.


taurinensis. For '1840' read '1841'.


textile Bellardi & Michelotti. For '1840' read '1841'.


tortilis Conrad. Type in ANSP, no.13196.


tryoni. For '1887' read '1886.' Type in WFIS, no.913.


acutangulusBronn 1838.

Misidentification of Acutangulus Lamarck, 1810.

angutangulusPusch, 1837.

Misspelling of acutangulus Lamarck, 1810.

aldrovandiGrateloup, 1835.

Misidentification of aldrovandi Brongniart, 1823.

alsiosus Grateloup, 1837.

Misidentification of alsiosus Brongniart, 1823.

antediluvianus Deshayes, 1837

Misspelling of antidiluvianus Bruguiere, 1792.

antediluvianus Pusch, 1837.

Misspelling of antidiluvianus Bruguiere, 1792.

argillaecola Pusch, 1837.

Misspelling of argillicola Eichwald, 1830.

bistriata Deshayes, 1834

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

clavatus Grateloup, 1835.

Misidentification of clavatus Lamarck, 1810

conoides Conrad, 1835,

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

elongata Deshayes, 1834

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

emmanuelis "Gene" Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840

(Error for 1841). Is a nomen nudum.

extensus Hauer, 1837.

Is a nomen nudum.

granulatus Röding, 1798

Is a nomen nudum.

labiata Deshayes, 1834,

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

mercati Grateloup, 1835.

Misidentification of mercati Brocchi, 1814.

nicobaricus Grateloup, 1835.

Misidentification of nicobaricus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792.

protheus Anton, 1838.

Misspelling of proteus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792.

puncticulatus Grateloup, 1835

Misidentification of puncticulatus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792.

pyrostomus Anton, 1838

Is a nomen nudum.

scabriusculus Fleming, 1828

Misspelling of scabriculus Solander in Brander, 1766.

semistriata Deshayes, 1834,

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

striatulus Grateloup, 1835

Misidentification of striatulus Brocchi, 1814.

stromboides Grateloup, 1835

Misidentification of stromboides Lamarck, 1803.

subangulata Deshayes, 1834,

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

subdecussata Deshayes, 1834

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

tessellatus Grateloup, 1835.

Misspelling and misidentification of tessulatus Born, 1778.

turritus Deshayes, 1835.

Misidentification of turritus Lamarck, 1803.

unifasciatus Deshayes, 1834,

(Pleurotoma). Is a turrid.

vetustus Quenstedt, 1836.

Not a new species description.


The final section of this Catalogue lists genus-group names proposed in Conus s.l.introduced since the last published list (Emerson and Old 1962).

Africonus Petuch, 1975, Veliger, xvii, no.3, p.262. Type species: Conus cuneolus Reeve, 1843, recent, West Africa, by original designation.
Artemidiconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.24. Type species: Dendroconus (Artemidiconus) selenae, (Van Mol, Tursch, and Kempf, 1970) Recent, South Atlantic, by original designation.
Calibanus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.18. Type species: Leptoconus (Calibanus) furvus, (Reeve, 1844), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Cochliconus Yokoyama,1928, Jour.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo, ser.2, xi, p.338. Type species: Conus gradatus Yokoyama, 1928, Pliocene, Japan, by original designation.
Cornutoconus Suzuki, 1972, Pacific Shell News no.5, p.2, text f.1. Type species: Cornutoconus lamellatus Suzuki, 1972, Recent, Japan, by original designation.
Ductoconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classfication of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p,12. Type species: Conus (Ductoconus) princeps Linnaeus, 1758, Recent, Eastern Pacific, by original designation.
Erythroconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.25. Type species: Pendroconus (Erythroconus) crocatus, (Lamarck, 1810), Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Eugeniconus da Motta, 1991, La Conchiglia, xxii, no.258, p.12. Type species: Eugeniconus nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758), Recent, Sri Lanka, by original designation.
Fulgiconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.12. Type species: Conus (Fulgiconus) moluccensis, (Küster, 1838), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Fumiconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.29. Type species: Hermes (Fumiconus) traversianus, (E.A. Smith, 1875), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Fusiconus da Motta, 1991. A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.31. Type species: Profundiconus (Fusiconus) longurionis, (Kiener, 1845), Recent Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Gradiconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.17. Type species: Leptoconus (Gradiconus) gradatus (Wood, 1828), Recent, East Pacific, by original designation.
Graphiconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the Gastropod family Conidae, p.18. Type species: Leptoconus (Graphiconus) inscriptus, (Reeve, 1845), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Harmoniconus, da Motta 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.24. Type species: Dendroconus (Harmoniconus) musicus, (Hwass in Bruguière, 1792) Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Heroconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.29. Type species: Hermes (Heroconus) poehlianus, (Sowerby, 1887), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Kalloconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.12. Type species: Conus (Kalloconus) pulcher, Recent, West Africa, by original designation.
Kenyonia Brazier, 1896, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., xxi, part 3, p.346. Type species: Kenyonia pulcherrima Brazier, 1896, Recent, New Hebrides, by montypy. Powell, Bull.Auckland Inst.Mus., no.5, p.111, 1966, suggests this is a turrid.
Kermasprella Powell, 1958, Rec.Auckl.Inst.Mus., v, no.1-2, p.83. Type species: Conus raolensis Powell, 1958, Recent, Kermadec Is., by original designation.
Ketyconus, da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.24. Type species: Dendroconus, (Ketyconus) tinianus, (Hwass in Bruguière, 1792) Recent, South Africa, by original designation.
Kioconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.11. Type species: Conus (Kioconus) recluzianus, (Bernardi, 1853), Recent, China, by original designation.
Kurodaconus Shikama & Habe, 1968, Venus, xxvi, no.3-4, p.59. Type species: Embrikena stupa Kuroda, 1956, Recent, Japan, by original designation.
Lamniconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.20. Type species: Leptoconus (Lamniconus) clerii, (Reeve, 1844), Recent, South Atlantic, by original designation.
Lividoconus Wils, 1970, Familie Conidae, 1970, p.37. Type species: Conus lividus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792, Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Lizaconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the Gastropod family Conidae, p.19. Type species: Leptoconus (Lizaconus) teramachii, (Kuroda, 1956), Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Magelliconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.29. Type species: Hermes (Magelliconus) magellanicus, (Hwass in Bruguière, 1792), Recent, Western Atlantic, by original designation.
Monteiroconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.13. Type species: Conus (Monteiroconus) ambiguus Reeve, 1844, Recent, West Africa, by original designation.
Ongoconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.15. Type species: Conus (Ongoconus) voluminalis Reeve, 1843, Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Protoconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.17. Type species: Leptoconus (Protoconus) cedonulli (Linnaeus, 1767), Recent, West Atlantic, by original designation.
Purpuriconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the Gastropod family Conidae, p.19. Type species: Leptoconus (Purpuriconus) cardinalis, (Hwass, in Bruguière, 1792), Recent, Western Atlantic, by original designation.
Pyruconus Olsson, 1967, Some Tertiary Mollusks from South Florida and the Caribbean p,21. Type species: Conus patricius Hinds, 1843, Recent, Eastern-Pacific province, by original designation.
Sciteconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.23. Type species: Dendroconus (Sciteconus) algensis, (Sowerby, 1834), Recent, South Africa, by original designation.
Socioconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.26. Type species: Dendroconus (Socioconus) consors, (Sowerby, 1833), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Splinoconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.25. Type species: Dendroconus (Splinoconus) biliosus, (Röding 1798) Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Strategoconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.15. Type species: Conus (Strategoconus) generalis Linnaeus, 1767, Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Strombiconus Marks, 1951, Bull.Am.Paleontol., xxxiii, no.139, p.141. Type species: Strombiconus ecuadorensis Marks 1951, Lower Miocene, Ecuador, by original designation.
Taranteconus Azuma, 1972, Venus, xxxi, no.2, p.56. Type species: Taranteconus chiangi Azuma, 1972, Recent, South China Sea, by original designation.
Tesselliconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.25. Type species: Dendroconus (Tesselliconus) tessulatus. (Born, 1778) Recent, by original designation.
Thoraconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.18. Type species: Leptoconus (Thoraconus) exiquus, (Lamarck, 1810), Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Turriconus Shikama & Habe, 1968, Venus, xxvi,no.3-4, p.57. Type species: Turriconus nakayasui Shikama & Habe, 1968, Recent, Japan, by original designation
Varioconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.34. Type species: Conasprella (Varioconus) variegata, (Kiener, 1845), Recent, West Africa, by original designation.
Vituliconus da Motta, 1991, A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level, p.13. Type species: Conus (Vituliconus) vitulinus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792, Recent, Indo-Pacific, by original designation.
Ximeniconus da Motta, 1991, A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae, p.28. Type species: Hermes (Ximeniconus) ximenes, (Gray, 1892), Recent, Eastern Pacific, by original designation.

Corrections to entries in Emerson and Old (1962)

Cylindrus Deshayes, 1824. Type species: Conus textile Linnaeus, 1758, by original designation.
Dyraspis Iredale, 1949. Is a nomen nudum.


Emerson, W.K., and Old, W.E., Jr. 1962. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History expedition to western Mexico. 16. The recent mollusks: Gastropoda:
Conidae.Amer.Mus.Novitates, no.2112. 44p.

Kohn, A.J., and Riggs, A.C. 1979. Catalogue of recent and fossil Conus, 1937-1976. Jour.
Moll. Stud., 45:131-147.

Tomlin, J.R. LeB. 1937. Catalogue of recent and fossil cones. Proc.Malacol.Soc., London, 22:202- 330, 333.