Conus (Varioconus) anabelae  Rolán & Röckel, 2001

Common Name

"Anabel's Cone"


Regarded as a valid species.

Type Locality

Praia Amelia. Baía Moçamedes, Angola


Restricted to Type Locality.

Maximum Reported Size

35.1 mm


Small to moderately small, moderately light to moderately solid. Last whorl ventricosely conical. Outline convex at adapical third, slightly concave below. Areture wider at base than near shoulder, Shoulder subangulate to rounded. Spire low, outline straight or slightly convex. Teleoconch sutural ramps convex, with numerous spiral striae. Last whorl smooth and dull, with some broad and weak grooves at base.

Ground colour light brown, changing to darker and lighter zones, spiral bands or spiral lines. Usually darker brown near base and often with lighter brown broad spiral band at centre or above centre. Lighter zones with very close-set axial brown lines. Aperture white.

Radula: tooth of vermivorous type, relatively primitive. PA shorter than half of DR, serration narrow, with about 15 denticles in a single row, being present on its upper part.

Shell Morphometry

L 18-29 mm
RW 0.09-0.21 g/mm
RD 0.66-0.73
PMD 0.76-0.80
RSH 0.07-0.14

Habitat & Habits

Shallow water, under rocks, buried in sand.


Radular Morphology

Image courtesy of Emilio Rolán