Conus (Asprella) baeri  Röckel & Korn, 1992

Common Name

"Baer’s Cone"


Regarded as a valid species.

Type Locality

Southern Mozambique



Maximum Reported Size

55 mm


Moderately small to medium-sized, moderately solid. Last whorl usually conical to ventricosely conical; outline convex adapically, straight toward base; left side may be concave above base. Shoulder angulate. Spire of low to moderate height, outline almost straight to slightly concave. Larval shell of 2-2.25 whorls, maximum diameter 1.2-1.3 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps nearly flat, with 2 increasing to 3-5 spiral grooves. Last whorl with distinct spiral grooves from base to centre or shoulder and ribbons between.

Ground colour white to pale orange. Last whorl usually with a light orangish brown spiral band above and below centre, occasionally with an additional smaller band below shoulder. 10-15 spiral rows of reddish brown spots or bars extending from base to shoulder, sometimes fusing into irregular axial markings. Larval whorls white. Postnuclear sutural ramps with yellowish to reddish brown radial lines or streaks. Aperture brownish cream to pale orange.

Shell Morphometry

L 30-45 mm
RW 0.10-0.25 g/mm
RD 0.62-0.71
PMD 0.82-0.90
RSH 0.09-0.17

Habitat & Habits

Reported from about 450 m.


C. baeri is similar to C. angasi and C. sydneyensis. C. baeri can be distinguished by the presence of a strong tooth-like fold at the basal part of its columella and by the weaker sculpture of its last whorl (only a few fine spiral ribs near base). In addition, its spire has a slightly convex outline in late whorls and its late sutural ramps bear a finer spiral sculpture.


Radular Morphology

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