Conus (Textilia) bullatus f. pongo  Shikama & Oishi, 1977

Common Name

"Pongo Cone"


Regarded as a form of C. bullatus.

Type Locality

East China Sea


E. Africa to W. Thailand

Maximum Reported Size

69 mm


This form usually lacks reticulated triangular spots but has more prominent fine white axial lines; some specimens are irregularly clouded with orangish to reddish brown. Larval whorls and adjacent 2 postnuclear sutural ramps light red. Later sutural ramps with orangish to reddish brown radial streaks and blotches, often fusing in late whorls. Aperture orange-brown marginally, dark brown-red deeper within.

Habitat & Habits

Slightly subtidal to about 20 m.


Radular Morphology

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