Conus (Sciteconus) algoensis scitulus  Reeve, 1849

Common Name

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Regarded as a subspecies of C. algoensis.

Type Locality

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South Africa

Maximum Reported Size

31.3 mm


Small to medium-sized shell (15-40mm). Looks a lot like C. a. algoensis but usually with a lower spire and a more rounded shoulder. The ground colour of the shell is white with a bluish shade. The pattern consists of a broad brown band (occasionally red-brown or even blood-red) below the shoulder, and many spiral lines of alternating white bars and brown dots on the last whorl. Axial brown streaks often present in variable numbers, especially around the basal region. Spire colour and pattern as in C. a. algoensis.

Habitat & Habits

Intertidal to over 50 m depth.
